LLMs, Chatbot, Diffusion Models, etc.

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Daily writing prompt
What skills or lessons have you learned recently?


  • AI application usages (LLM, Stable Diffusion)
  • Job Occupation Fit


  • I started to catch-up recent advances in AI application cases, because I failed to manage myself to follow fast-changing DL model improvements with silly excuses such as ‘I am tired’, ‘I have no time for trying new models’, or ‘My current mission is focusing on something’, etc. – at least 2 yrs and 6 months🤦‍♂️
  • After changing my workplace several times, I realized that my interest point MUST MATCH with the current corporation. Yes – CS major engineer may willing to do everything in the IT industry, but her or his interest will make them numerous questions or desire to idealize their innate desire.
  • My interest while in PhD course was Natural Language Processing (now no one will use this keyword – Large Language Model instead) and overall accelerated computing. Thanks to the several chances, I have the occupation that has highest cultural fit with me I’ve ever experienced as well as personal shack to setup various systems.

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